MARCH 16, 2022
STRAX® Intelligence Group and Critical Response Group are pleased to announce a partnership to integrate Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRGs®) into the STRAX Response Solution, a common operating platform designed for incident planning and management.
Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRG®) enhance situational awareness and help prepare first responders for more effective command and control between diverse agencies and disciplines when responding to unfamiliar buildings and campuses. CRGs® are standardized, site-specific, and geo-rectified common operating pictures that combine facility floor plans, high-resolution imagery, accurate labeling of key features and a gridded overlay together into one map. CRGs were born from lessons learned by US Special Operation Forces (USSOF) and successfully transitioned for use by domestic public safety professionals. CRGs easily integrate with modern incident management systems like STRAX Response.
By bringing CRGs into STRAX Response, the critical information CRGs contain can be quickly accessed, distributed, and activated directly from within STRAX Response to better coordinate an emergency response both inside and outside a building or complex. As an additional service, Critical Response Group provides customers with an annual review to ensure the most up to date information is available when needed.
STRAX Response unifies disparate technologies and data into a map based, common operating picture. The cloud-based solution, which integrates systems such as sensors, alerts, real-time video feeds, and analytics is a force multiplier for incident management and real time crime centers by creating a single interface where information can be quickly utilized and disseminated across responding locations and agencies.
By working together to enable data sharing and collaboration utilizing a unified distributed system, STRAX and CRG can help expedite response times, increase situational awareness, and enhance the safety of first responders.
Michael Rogers, CRG CEO says, “We are very excited about this relationship and the value it brings to public safety organizations and to the communities they serve.” Scott Adams, STRAX Intelligence CEO, adds, “We are already seeing the value of our combined technologies in the marketplace by working with mutual customers. Our partnership is a huge step towards creating safer, smarter communities.”
STRAX Intelligence Group, LLC develops technology for Public Safety and Commercial Organizations with a focus on incident management and interoperability. STRAX Response is a cloud-based common operating platform that unifies disparate technologies and data sources into a single pane of glass to improve emergency response, collaboration, and increase officer and community safety.
Critical Response Group, Inc. creates common operating pictures to enhance command and control efforts during an emergency through our core product, Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRG®). Our company’s origins are grounded in thousands of real-life direct-action raids conducted by the United States Special Operations Forces (USSOF) over the past two decades and dozens of county-wide deployments domestically over the past five years. Our management team’s mix of decorated and combat-tested USSOF officers and senior law enforcement executives possess a unique perspective on building and implementing CRGs for domestic first responders, with a focus on CRGs being used when a crisis occurs. Contact: for more information.